Create self-installing wallpaper for easy bundling or distribution with your screen saver setup programs.
Stardust Wallpaper Packager 2003 converts images into self-installing wallpaper files. Just double-click a wallpaper package that you've created, and your image is instantly applied as the Windows® desktop background. This simplifies the distribution of an image to users who may not otherwise understand how to install wallpaper.
Wallpaper Packager is fast and easy to use. Select any JPEG, JPEG2000, GIF, PNG, or BMP image, and Wallpaper Packager will create a copy of your image in Windows wallpaper format, then package it into a self- extracting executable. You can optionally set wallpaper position and background color options, and your wallpaper package will apply those options when it installs your wallpaper.
One of Wallpaper Packager's most powerful features is the ability to create wallpaper add-ons for Screen Saver Toolkit 2004. This lets you create screen savers that apply an image to the desktop background as part of the installation process, so that your screen saver can apply a complete "theme" to the computer it is installed on. You can include as many wallpaper add-ons as you like with a screen saver, and they will all be installed and available as Windows wallpaper.